Friday, October 29, 2010

Tea with Mr. Charlie

I received the following on a local blog:

"Mr. Holian,
I've never met a true conservative that feels the way you do. If you haven't looked at this web site you should, You will see what President Reagan was saying about Medicare, not to mention the other failed government programs. If you are OK with all of this you can not be a true conservative. There is no further discussion needed on the Constitution and interpretations, because I presented you actual proof. Thank God for the Tea Parites, because they may have stopped Obamacare and more socialism. And our Republic is in trouble, because of groups like ACORN, no proof of who is actually voting, foreign money involvement and all the money from speical interest and lobbyists. Our so called elected officials are not representing us like the founders estabilshed. When they vote they do not vote for us. 60% of Americans do not want Obamacare and they continue trying to ram it down our throats. You may be happy with all this, but I hope you do not have any children or grandchildren because they are going to pay dearly. We should have the fair tax and we will have plenty of jobs. Look at the depression of 1920 and see what Harding and Coolige did and the results. And as far as Social Security it should have been privatized many years ago before the government rob the money. A county in Texas opted out of Social Security in 1980. They will now pay their retirees 3 times what S.S. is promising with full disability, $250,000 of life insurance and when the person dies, all the money goes to the families. I'm all for help those in true need, but we have funded welfare since the early 60s and now we have a 40% dropout rate in school and a 40% out of wedlock birth rate. Personal responsibitity, only help those that are truly mentally or physically challenged not lazy baby making people. You are capable of working and don't you don't eat."

This individual actually ran for Mayor of the Town of Mooresville, NC. What's shocking is that he wasn't elected. I de-constructed his rant, pointed out that virtually everything he typed was a FOX sound byte. 10 word bits of red meat thrown at Tea Parties and by Hannity and Beck. Not an original thought in this poor man's head.

"Personal responsibitity, only help those that are truly mentally or physically challenged not lazy baby making people. You are capable of working and don't you don't eat."

And that is the solution of a 'true' conservative. Cut off social programs to 'lazy baby making people' and let the unemployed and their families starve. He would deny his code for blacks and other minorities, of course. But, he can't run from his words. Unfortunately, he neither understands his words nor the contempt they show, not just for the people he's talking about, but, for those Founders who actually cared about the people they sought to build a nation for.

We the people deserve better than this man. Better than the FOX News talking heads that toss him his daily dose of hate and vitriol and contempt for people who are so much better than he is.

This man's name doesn't matter. Nothing, in fact, could matter less than this man's name.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Republican Plan 2010 to 1787

Republican/Tea Party(s)/Religious Right/Corporate Plan for America

Social Agenda
1. The Constitution protects the rights of the rich to enjoy exemption from taxation. According to the Constitution the Government is allowed to raise taxes by collecting tariffs. We'll continue to waive import tariffs since they are Protectionist (Communist) and interfere with Free Trade between nations that provide slave labor to corporations that are exporting the jobs that created a Middle Class.
2. The Constitution protects our right to discriminate against Gays and Lesbians by protecting the sanctity of marriage (which, according to the Constitution, is a union between a Christian Man and a woman who has been purchased from her Father or Brother).
3. The Constitution protects our right to stop Gays and Lesbians from dying in Service to Our country in the Armed Forces. The Constitution makes clear that Gays and Lesbians should only be killed by stoning, being dragged behind trucks (preferably with 8 cylinder engines), or being forced to end their own sinful lives after a Christian period of harassment (in order to protect Our children from gayness).
4. The Constitution does not have Social Agenda in it. Social Programs, according to Glenn Beck, are Communist Programs, and the United States is a Capitalist Country, so, there should be no social programs. And the Founders were wrong when they created the post roads. Roads, libraries, police and fire protection and schools should only be available to those who can pay for them, in cash, whenever they need to use them. The poor must work or die. Or beg at the back door of the nearest church and be stacked at the service entrance of hospitals in case a doctor has time to treat them in a charitable moment. The poor also have the right to pray.
5. The Constitution makes it clear that the Government has no business being involved in our Health Care, so, we must end Obamacare and immediately place a paid volunteer member of the Heritage Foundation in every doctor's office to ensure that no doctor can discuss abortion with a patient. There is no Constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion, and, therefore, it is the right of every member of the Right to monitor the doctor patient relationship to ensure that no one who disagrees can have a medical procedure that the Right doesn't support.

Political Agenda:
1. End taxation of the rich. The rich create jobs. Once the rich are free from the yoke of taxation everything will take care of itself.
2. Repeal the amendments to the Constitution and start over. When the Constitution was originally ratified by the States only 10% to 16% of the population could vote. We don't remember what it was like in this great nation when only Property Owning WASP Men could vote. This will make it easier for the rich to create jobs.
3. Make Obama a 1 term President by requiring every American to watch FOX News when they aren't working or looking for a job. Or begging for food. Or dying because they have no Health Care.

(Note: I would mention that this is a satirical post, but, since this is exactly what the Right is promoting, it isn't funny.To the few fiscally conservative Republicans who still exist, as Vice President Biden pointed out, this is not your Grandfather's Republican Party)